Turn on an LED¶
Create a new LED "green" at pin 14 and turn it on:
green = Output(14)
Read a button¶
Create a button "b1" at pin 25 with internal pull-up resistor and read its value:
b1 = Input(25)
Write a persistent startup script¶
Clear the persistent storage, configure a button and an LED, write the new startup script to the persistent storage, restart the microcontroller with these two new modules and print the stored configuration:
!+green = Output(14)
!+b1 = Input(25)
Define a rule¶
Create an LED "red", a button "b1" with pull-up resistor as well as a condition "c1" that turns off the LED as soon as the button is pressed:
red = Output(14)
b1 = Input(25)
when b1.level == 0 then red.off(); end
Create a shadow module¶
Create a "green" LED that shadows a "red" LED, i.e. will receive a copy of each command:
green = Output(13)
red = Output(14)
Use a port expander¶
Create a serial connection as well as a port expander with an LED at pin 15 and turn it on:
serial = Serial(26, 27, 11500, 1)
expander = Expander(serial, 32, 33)
led = expander.Output(15)