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Module Reference

All Lizard modules have the following methods in common.

Methods Description
module.mute() Turn output off
module.unmute() Turn output on
module.shadow() Send all method calls also to another module
module.broadcast() Regularly send properties to another microcontroller (for internal use)

Shadows are useful if multiple modules should behave exactly the same, e.g. two actuators that should always move synchronously.

The broadcast method is used internally with port expanders.


The core module encapsulates various properties and methods that are related to the microcontroller itself. It is automatically created right after the boot sequence.

Properties Description Data type
core.debug Whether to output debug information to the command line bool
core.millis Time since booting the microcontroller (ms) int
core.heap Free heap memory (bytes) int
Methods Description Arguments
core.restart() Restart the microcontroller
core.version() Show lizard version Show lizard version, compile time and IDF version
core.print(...) Print arbitrary arguments to the command line arbitrary
core.output(format) Define the output format str
core.startup_checksum() Show 16-bit checksum of the startup script
core.ota(ssid, password, url) Starts OTA update on a URL with given WiFi 3x str
core.get_pin_status(pin) Print the status of the chosen pin int
core.set_pin_level(pin, value) Turns the pin into an output and sets its level int, int
core.get_pin_strapping(pin) Print value of the pin from the strapping register int

The output format is a string with multiple space-separated elements of the pattern <module>.<property>[:<precision>] or <variable>[:<precision>]. The precision is an optional integer specifying the number of decimal places for a floating point number. For example, the format "core.millis input.level motor.position:3" might yield an output like "92456 1 12.789.

The OTA update will try to connect to the specified WiFi network with the provided SSID and password. After initializing the WiFi connection, it will attempt an OTA update from the given URL. Upon successful updating, the ESP will restart and attempt to verify the OTA update. It will reconnect to the WiFi and try to access URL + /verify to receive a message with the current version of Lizard. The test is considered successful if an HTTP request is received, even if the version does not match or is empty. If the newly updated Lizard cannot connect to URL + /verify, the OTA update will be rolled back.

core.get_pin_status(pin) reads the pin's voltage, not the output state directly.


Lizard can receive messages via Bluetooth Low Energy, and also send messages in return to a connected device. Simply create a Bluetooth module with a device name of your choice.

Constructor Description Arguments
bluetooth = Bluetooth(device_name) initialize bluetooth with advertised device_name str
Methods Description Arguments
bluetooth.send(data) send data via notification str

Lizard will offer a service 23014CCC-4677-4864-B4C1-8F772B373FAC and a characteristic 37107598-7030-46D3-B688-E3664C1712F0 that allows writing Lizard statements like on the command line. On a second characteristic 19f91f52-e3b1-4809-9d71-bc16ecd81069 notifications will be emitted when send(data) is executed.


The input module is associated with a digital input pin that is be connected to a pushbutton, sensor or other input signal.

Constructor Description Arguments
input = Input(pin) pin is the corresponding GPIO number int
Properties Description Data type
input.level Current signal level (0 or 1) int
input.change Level change since last cycle (-1..1) int
input.inverted Inverts the active property if true bool Current active state of the input bool
Methods Description
input.get() Output the current level
input.pullup() Add an internal pull-up resistor
input.pulldown() Add an internal pull-down resistor
input.pulloff() Remove internal pull resistor


The output module is associated with a digital output pin that is connected to an LED, actuator or other output signal.

Constructor Description Arguments
output = Output(pin) pin is the corresponding GPIO number int
Properties Description Data type
output.level Current signal level (0 or 1) int
output.change Level change since last cycle (-1..1) int
Methods Description Arguments
output.on() Set the output pin high Set the output pin low
output.level(value) Set the output level to the given value bool
output.pulse(interval[, duty_cycle]) Switch output on and off floats

The pulse() method allows pulsing an output with a given interval in seconds and an optional duty cycle between 0 and 1 (0.5 by default). Note that the pulsing frequency is limited by the main loop to around 20 Hz.

PWM Output

The PWM output module is associated with a digital output pin that is connected to an LED, actuator or other output signal.

Constructor Description Arguments
pwm = PwmOutput(pin) pin is the corresponding GPIO number int
Properties Description Data type
output.duty Duty cycle (8 bit: 0..256, default: 128) int
output.frequency Frequency (Hz, default: 1000) int
Methods Description Arguments
output.on() Turn on the PWM signal Turn off the PWM signal

MCP23017 Port Expander

The MCP23017 allows controlling up to 16 general purpose input or output pins via I2C.

Constructor Description Arguments
mcp = Mcp23017([port[, sda[, scl[, address[, clk_speed]]]]]) See below ints

The constructor expects up to five arguments:

  • port: 0 or 1, since the ESP32 has two I2C ports (default: 0)
  • sda: SDA pin (default: 21)
  • scl: SCL pin (default: 22)
  • address: client address of the MCP (0x20..0x28, default: 0x20)
  • clk_speed: I2C clock speed (default: 100000)
Properties Description Data type
mcp.levels Levels of all 16 pins int
mcp.inputs Input mode of all 16 pins int
mcp.pullups Pull-up resistors for all 16 pins int

The properties levels, inputs and pullups contain binary information for all 16 pins in form of a 16 bit unsigned integer.

Methods Description Arguments
mcp.levels(value) Set levels of all 16 pins int
mcp.inputs(value) Set input mode of all 16 pins int
mcp.pullups(value) Set pull-up resistors for all 16 pins int

The methods levels(), inputs() and pullups() expect a 16 bit unsigned integer value containing binary information for all 16 pins.

Use inputs() to configure input and output pins, e.g. inputs(0xffff) all inputs or inputs(0x0000) all outputs. While levels() will only affect output pins, pullups() will only affect the levels of input pins.

Using an MCP23017 port expander module you can not only access individual pins. You can also instantiate the following modules passing the mcp instance as the first argument:

  • Input: input = Input(mcp, pin)
  • Output: output = Output(mcp, pin)
  • Linear motor: motor = LinearMotor(mcp, move_in, move_out, end_in, end_out)

The pins pin, move_in, move_out, end_in and end_out are numbers from 0 to 15 referring to A0...A7 and B0...B7 on the MCP23017.


The IMU module provides access to a Bosch BNO055 9-axis absolute orientation sensor. Currently, only reading the accelerometer is implemented.

Constructor Description Arguments
imu = Imu([port[, sda[, scl[, address[, clk_speed]]]]]) See below ints

The constructor expects up to five arguments:

  • port: 0 or 1, since the ESP32 has two I2C ports (default: 0)
  • sda: SDA pin (default: 21)
  • scl: SCL pin (default: 22)
  • address: client address of the MCP (0x28 or 0x29, default: 0x28)
  • clk_speed: I2C clock speed (default: 100000)
Properties Description Data type
imu.acc_x acceleration in x direction (m/s^2) float
imu.acc_y acceleration in y direction (m/s^2) float
imu.acc_z acceleration in z direction (m/s^2) float
imu.roll roll (degrees, see datasheet) float
imu.pitch pitch (degrees, see datasheet) float
imu.yaw yaw (degrees, see datasheet) float
imu.quat_w quaternion component w float
imu.quat_x quaternion component x float
imu.quat_y quaternion component y float
imu.quat_z quaternion component z float
imu.cal_sys calibration of system (0 to 3) float
imu.cal_gyr calibration of gyroscope (0 to 3) float
imu.cal_acc calibration of accelerometer (0 to 3) float
imu.cal_mag calibration of magnetometer (0 to 3) float

CAN interface

The CAN module allows communicating with peripherals on the specified CAN bus.

Constructor Description Arguments
can = Can(rx, tx, baud) RX/TX pins and baud rate int, int, int
Methods Description Arguments
can.send(node_id, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7) Send a frame with 8 data bytes 9x int
can.get_status() Print the driver status
can.start() Start the driver
can.stop() Stop the driver
can.recover() Recover the driver

The method get_status() prints the following information:

  • state ("STOPPED", "RUNNING", "BUS_OFF" or "RECOVERING"),
  • msgs_to_tx,
  • msgs_to_rx,
  • tx_error_counter,
  • rx_error_counter,
  • tx_failed_count,
  • rx_missed_count,
  • rx_overrun_count,
  • arb_lost_count and
  • bus_error_count.

After creating a CAN module, the driver is started automatically. The start() and stop() methods are primarily for debugging purposes.

Serial interface

The serial module allows communicating with peripherals via the specified connection.

Constructor Description Arguments
serial = Serial(rx, tx, baud, num) RX/TX pins, baud rate, UART number 4x int
Methods Description Arguments
serial.send(b0, b1, b2, ...) Send a number of bytes ints Read and output current buffer

This module might be used by other modules that communicate with peripherals via serial. You can, however, unmute the serial module to have incoming messages printed to the command line instead of keeping them buffered for other modules.

Linear motor

This module controls a linear actuator via two output pins (move in, move out) and two input pins reading two limit switches (end in, end out).

Constructor Description Arguments
motor = LinearMotor(move_in, move_out, end_in, end_out) motor control pins and limit switches 4x int
Properties Description Data type Motor is in "in" position bool
motor.out Motor is in "out" position bool
Methods Description Move in
motor.out() Move out
motor.stop() Stop motor

ODrive Motor

The ODrive motor module controls a motor using an ODrive motor controller.

Constructor Description Arguments
motor = ODriveMotor(can, can_id[, version]) CAN module, node ID and version CAN module, int, int

The version parameter is an optional integer indicating the patch number of the ODrive firmware (4, 5 or 6; default: 4 for version "0.5.4"). Version 0.5.6 allows to read the motor error flag.

Properties Description Data type
motor.position Motor position (meters) float
motor.speed Motor speed (m/s) float
motor.tick_offset Encoder tick offset float
motor.m_per_tick Meters per encoder tick float
motor.reversed Reverse motor direction bool
motor.axis_state State of the motor axis int
motor.axis_error Error code of the axis int
motor.motor_error Motor error flat (requires version 0.5.6) int
Methods Description Arguments Set current position as zero position
motor.power(torque) Move with given torque float
motor.speed(speed) Move with given speed (m/s) float
motor.position(position) Move to given position (m) float
motor.limits(speed, current) Set speed (m/s) and current (A) limits float, float Turn motor off (idle state)
motor.reset_motor() Resets the motor and clears errors

ODrive Wheels

The ODrive wheels module combines to ODrive motors and provides odometry and steering for differential wheeled robots.

Constructor Description Arguments
wheels = ODriveWheels(left_motor, left_motor) Two ODrive motor modules two ODrive motor modules
Properties Description Data type
wheels.width Wheel distance (m) float
wheels.linear_speed Forward speed (m/s) float
wheels.angular_speed Turning speed (rad/s) float
wheels.enabled Whether motors react to commands bool
Methods Description Arguments
wheels.power(left, right) Move with torque per wheel float, float
wheels.speed(linear, angular) Move with linear/angular speed (m/s, rad/s) float, float Turn both motors off (idle state)

When the wheels are not enabled, power and speed method calls are ignored. This allows disabling the wheels permanently by setting enabled = false in conjunction with calling the off() method. Now the vehicle can be pushed manually with motors turned off, without taking care of every line of code potentially re-activating the motors.

RMD Motor

The RMD motor module controls a MyActuator RMD motor via CAN.

Constructor Description Arguments
rmd = RmdMotor(can, motor_id, ratio) CAN module, motor ID (1..8) and transmission ratio CAN module, int, int
Properties Description Data type
rmd.position Multi-turn motor position (deg) float
rmd.torque Current torque float
rmd.speed Current speed (deg/s) float
rmd.temperature Current temperature (˚C) float
rmd.can_age Time since last CAN message from motor (s) float
Methods Description Arguments
rmd.power(torque) Move with given torque (-32..32 A) float
rmd.speed(speed) Move with given speed (deg/s) float
rmd.position(pos) Move to and hold at pos (deg) float
rmd.position(pos, speed) Move to and hold at pos (deg) with max. speed (deg/s) float, float
rmd.stop() Stop motor (but keep operating state) Turn motor off (clear operating state)
rmd.hold() Hold current position
rmd.get_pid() Print PID parameters Kp/Ki for position/speed/torque loop
rmd.set_pid(...) Set PID parameters Kp/Ki for position/speed/torque loop 6x int
rmd.get_acceleration() Print acceleration (deg/s^2)
rmd.set_acceleration(...) Set accelerations/decelerations for position/speed loop (deg/s^2) 4x int
rmd.get_status() Print temperature [˚C], voltage [V] and motor error code
rmd.clear_errors() Clear motor error

Set acceleration

Although get_acceleration() prints only one acceleration per motor, set_acceleration distinguishes the following four parameters:

  1. acceleration for position mode
  2. deceleration for position mode
  3. acceleration for speed mode
  4. deceleration for speed mode

You can pass 0 to skip parameters, i.e. to keep individual acceleration values unchanged.

RMD Motor Pair

The RMD motor pair module allows to synchronize two RMD motors.

Constructor Description Arguments
rmd = RmdPair(rmd1, rmd2) Two RMD motor modules 2x RMD Motor module
Properties Description Data type
rmd.v_max Maximum speed (deg/s, default: 360) float
rmd.a_max Maximum acceleration (deg/s² (default: 10000) float
Methods Description Arguments
rmd.move(x, y) Move motor 1 to x and motor 2 to x 2x float
rmd.stop() Stop motors (but keep operating state) Turn motors off (clear operating state)
rmd.hold() Hold current positions
rmd.clear_errors() Clear motor errors


The RoboClaw module serves as building block for more complex modules like RoboClaw motors. It communicates with a Basicmicro RoboClaw motor driver via serial.

Constructor Description Arguments
claw = RoboClaw(serial, address) Serial module and address Serial module, int
Properties Description Data type
claw.temperature Board temperature (degrees Celsius) float

The temperature property is updated every 1 second.

RoboClaw Motor

The RoboClaw motor module controls a motor using a RoboClaw module.

Constructor Description Arguments
motor = RoboClawMotor(claw, motor_id) RoboClaw module and motor ID (1..2) RoboClaw module, int
Properties Description Data type
motor.position Multi-turn motor position (encoder ticks) int
Methods Description Arguments
motor.power(torque) Move with given torque (-1..1) float
motor.speed(speed) Move with given speed (-32767..32767) float Store position as zero position

RoboClaw Wheels

The RoboClaw wheels module combines two RoboClaw motors and provides odometry and steering for differential wheeled robots.

Constructor Description Arguments
wheels = RoboClawWheels(left_motor, left_motor) left and right motors two RoboClaw motor modules
Properties Description Data type
wheels.width Wheel distance (m) float
wheels.linear_speed Forward speed (m/s) float
wheels.angular_speed Turning speed (rad/s) float
wheels.m_per_tick Meters per encoder tick float
wheels.enabled Whether motors react to commands bool
Methods Description Arguments
wheels.power(left, right) Move with torque per wheel (-1..1) float, float
wheels.speed(linear, angular) Move with linear/angular speed (m/s, rad/s) float, float Turn both motors off (idle state)

When the wheels are not enabled, power and speed method calls are ignored.

Stepper Motor

The stepper motor module controls a stepper motor via "step" and "direction" pins. It uses the ESP LED Control API to generate pulses with sufficiently high frequencies and the Pulse Counter API to count steps.

Constructor Description Arguments
motor = StepperMotor(step, dir[, pu[, cp[, lt[, lc]]]]) Step and direction pins 6x int

The constructor arguments pu (pulse counter unit), pc (pulse counter channel), lt (LED timer) and lc (LED channel) are optional and default to 0. When using multiple stepper motors, they can be set to different values to avoid conflicts.

Properties Description Data type
motor.position Motor position (steps) int
motor.speed Motor speed (steps per second) int
motor.idle Motor idle state bool
Methods Description Arguments
motor.speed(speed[, acceleration]) Move with given speed 2x float
motor.position(position, speed[, acceleration]) Move to given position 3x float
motor.stop() Stop

The optional acceleration argument defaults to 0, which starts and stops pulsing immediately.

Motor Axis

The motor axis module wraps a motor and two limit switches. It prevents the motor from moving past the limits. But in contrast to a simple Lizard rule, it allows to actively move out of the limits when moving in the right direction. Currently supported motor types are CanOpenMotor, ODriveMotor and StepperMotor.

Constructor Description Arguments
axis = MotorAxis(motor, limit1, limit2) motor and input modules 3 modules

Currently the motor axis module has no properties. To get the current position or speed, access the motor module instead.

Methods Description Arguments
motor.speed(speed[, acceleration]) Move with given speed 2x float
motor.position(position, speed[, acceleration]) Move to given position 3x float
motor.stop() Stop


The CanOpenMaster module sends periodic SYNC messages to all CANopen nodes. At creation, no messages are sent until sync_interval is set to a value greater than 0.

Constructor Description Arguments
co_master = CanOpenMaster(can) CAN module CAN module
Properties Description Data type
co_master.sync_interval Amount of lizard steps in between each SYNC int


The CanOpenMotor module implements a subset of commands necessary to control a motor implementing DS402. Positional and velocity units are currently undefined and must by manually measured. Once the configuration sequence has finished, current status, position and velocity are queried on every SYNC.

Constructor Description Arguments
motor = CanOpenMotor(can, node_id) CAN module and node ID (1..127) CAN module, int
Methods Description Arguments
motor.enter_pp_mode(velo) Set 402 operating mode to profile position, halt off, and target velocity to velo int
motor.enter_pv_mode() Set 402 operating mode to profile velocity, halt on, and target velocity to velo int
motor.set_target_position(pos) Set target position to pos (signed). [pp mode] int
motor.commit_target_position() Instruct motor to move to previously set target position. [pp mode]
motor.set_target_velocity(velo) Set target velocity to velo. Absolute for pp mode, signed for pv mode int
motor.set_ctrl_halt(mode) Latches / resets the "halt" bit and sends the updated control word to the node bool
motor.set_ctrl_enable(mode) Latches / resets the "enable operation" bit and sends an updated control word to the node bool
motor.set_profile_acceleration(acceleration) Sets the motor acceleration int
motor.set_profile_deceleration(deceleration) Sets the motor deceleration int
motor.set_profile_quick_stop_deceleration(deceleration) Sets the motor deceleration for the quick stop command int
motor.reset_fault() Clear any faults (like positioning errors). Implicitly sets the "halt" bit.
motor.sdo_read(index) Performs an SDO read at index index and sub index 0x00 int
Properties Description Data type
initialized Concurrent init sequence has finished, motor is ready bool
last_heartbeat Time in µs since bootup when last heartbeat was received int
is_booting Node is in booting state bool
is_preoperational Node is in pre-operational state bool
is_operational Node is in operational state bool
actual_position Motor position at last SYNC int
position_offset Offset implicitly added to target/reported position int
actual_velocity Motor velocity at last SYNC int
status_enabled Operation enabled bit of status word since last SYNC bool
status_fault Fault bit of status word since last SYNC bool
status_target_reached Target reached bit of status word since last SYNC bool
ctrl_enable Latched operation enable bit of every sent control word bool
ctrl_halt Latched halt bit of every sent control word bool

Configuration sequence

After creation of the module, the configuration is stepped through automatically on each heartbeat; once finished, the initialized attribute is set to true. Note that for runtime variables (actual position, velocity, and status bits) to be updated, a CanOpenMaster module must exist and be sending periodic SYNCs.

Target position sequence

Note: The target velocity must be positive regardless of target point direction. The halt bit is cleared when entering pp, though it can be set at any point during moves to effectively apply brakes.

// First time, assuming motor is disabled and not in pp mode
motor.enter_pp_mode(<some positive velocity>)

// All further set points only need these
motor.set_target_position(<some position>)

Target velocity sequence

Unlike in the profile position mode, here the sign of the velocity does controls the direction. The halt bit is set when entering pv. To start moving, clear it (and set again to stop).

// First time, assuming motor is disabled and not in pv mode
motor.enter_pv_mode(<some signed velocity>)

// Further movements only need these
// await some condition

D1 Motor

This module controls an igus D1 motor controller via CANOpen.

Constructor Description Arguments
motor = D1Motor(can, node_id) CAN module and node ID (1..127) CAN module, int
Properties Description Data type
motor.switch_search_speed Speed for moving into the end stop int
motor.zero_search_speed Speed for moving out ot the end stop int
motor.homing_acceleration Acceleration for homing int
motor.profile_acceleration Acceleration for profile movements int
motor.profile_velocity Velocity for profile position movements int
motor.profile_deceleration Deceleration for profile movements int
motor.position Current position int
motor.velocity Current velocity int
motor.status_word Status word int
motor.status_flags Status flags int

Bit 0 of the status flags indicates the motor is referenced (1) or not (0).

The status word (also called "Statusword") is a 16 bit integer with several flags. See the D1 manual for details.

Methods Description Arguments
motor.setup() Setup (enable) the motor
motor.home() Start homing the motor
motor.profile_position() Move to given position int
motor.profile_velocity() Move with given velocity int
motor.stop() Stop (disable) the motor
motor.reset() Reset motor errors
motor.sdo_read(index[, subindex]) Read SDO 2x int
motor.sdo_write(index, subindex, bits, value) Write SDO 4x int
motor.nmt_write() Write NMT int


This module controls dunkermotoren motor via CANOpen.

Constructor Description Arguments
motor = DunkerMotor(can, node_id) CAN module and node ID (1..127) CAN module, int
Properties Description Data type
motor.speed Motor speed (meters per second) float
motor.m_per_turn Meters per turn float
motor.reversed Reverse motor direction bool
Methods Description Arguments
motor.speed(speed) Move with given speed (m/s) float
motor.enable() Enable motor
motor.disable() Disable motor
motor.sdo_read(index[, subindex]) Read SDO 2x int
motor.sdo_write(index, subindex, bits, value) Write SDO 4x int


The DunkerWheels module combines two DunkerMotor modules and provides odometry and steering for differential wheeled robots.

Constructor Description Arguments
wheels = DunkerWheels(left_motor, right_motor) left and right motors two DunkerMotor modules
Properties Description Data type
wheels.width Wheel distance (m) float
wheels.linear_speed Forward speed (m/s) float
wheels.angular_speed Turning speed (rad/s) float
Methods Description Arguments
wheels.speed(linear, angular) Move with linear/angular speed (m/s, rad/s) float, float

Analog Input

This module is designed for reading analog voltages and converting them to digital values using the ESP32's ADC units. For detailed specifications of the ESP32 ADC modules, including attenuation levels, voltage range mappings, and GPIO-to-channel mapping, check the ESP32 documentation.

Constructor Description Arguments
analog = Analog(unit, channel[, attenuation]) unit, channel and attenuation level (dB) int, int, float

Possible attenuation levels are 0, 2.5, 6, and 12 dB. The default attenuation level is 12 dB.

Properties Description Data type
raw raw measurement value (0-4095) int
voltage voltage (V) float


The expander module allows communication with another microcontroller connected via serial.

Constructor Description Arguments
expander = Expander(serial[, boot, enable]) Serial module and boot/enable pins Serial module, 2x int
Methods Description Arguments Run any command on the other microcontroller string
expander.disconnect() Disconnect serial connection and pins
expander.flash([force]) Flash other microcontroller with own binary data bool
expander.restart() Restart other microcontroller

The flash() method requires the boot and enable pins to be defined. The optional force argument skips the default check whether certain strapping pins are set correctly.

The disconnect() method might be useful to access the other microcontroller on UART0 via USB while still being physically connected to the main microcontroller.

Note that the expander forwards all other method calls to the remote core module, e.g.

Properties Description Data type
boot_timeout Time to wait for other microcontroller to boot (s) float
ping_interval Time between pings (s) float
ping_timeout Time before timing out (s) float
is_ready Whether the remote module has booted and is ready bool
last_message_age Time since last message from other microcontroller (ms) int


-- This module is mainly for internal use with the expander module. --

Proxy modules serve as handles for remote modules running on another microcontroller. Declaring a module x = Proxy() will allow formulating rules like when x.level == 0 then .... It will receive property values from a remote module with the same name x, e.g. an input signal level. Note that the remote module has to have turned on broadcasting: x.broadcast().

module = Proxy()

Note that the proxy module forwards all method calls to the remote module.

Properties Description Data type
is_ready Whether the remote module has booted and is ready bool